It is a pleasure and an honor to announce the achievement of 3,000,000 Safe Man-hours in the POM project site. It is a milestone of enormous value, because means to obtain an excellent safety result in a complicated environment, full of difficulties to manage on a daily basis, as the extreme conditions of temperature and humidity, the extraordinary multicultural mix of workers with the consequent communication and coordination problems, etc.
On 15 October 2015 was carried out the celebration of this milestone with great success, promoted and led by Intecsa Industrial with the participation of the whole staff of the site (Intecsa, Client and subcontractors). Among other things, were carried out: a prize-giving to Subcontractor’s workers ceremony, an exhibition to show how to modify a scaffold in a safely way, several games (identification of risks and preventive measures in different scenes, selection of safety hand tools, segregation of waste and the star game “pull of the rope” between teams from different subcontractors). Finally, since it corresponds to any celebration, the pie was cut.
From here we want to congratulate all our colleagues assigned to POM Project Site for their contribution to the Company objective “0 incidents” and encourage them to continue in this line until the end of the project.